Groups related to Daniel Ortega attack bishops


Suspending Dialogue

MANAGUA (EFE) – The Nicaraguan Bishops' Conference, mediator and witness of the national dialogue, suspended yesterday the working tables created to overcome the crisis in the country because of the aggression physics suffered by the bishops in the Basilica of San Sebastián, in the town of Diriamba

The episcopate had convened yesterday the table of verification and security, as well as the electoral table, but not justice, to resume the national dialogue, however, he chose to postpone the two working tables after Diriamba's events.

Yesterday, a group of parapolices violently entered the Basilica of San Sebastian, where they assaulted several bishops and journalists, including the Nicaraguan nuncio, Stanislaw Waldemar Sommertag, Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes and Bishop Silvio Báez

The aggression occurred when the bishops traveled to Diriamba, 42 kilometers south of Managua, to liberate a group of Franciscan nurses and missionaries besieged by the parapolices of the temple

The situation arose after a delegation of the Catholic Church, accompanied by the Nicaraguan Association of Human Rights (Anphd), entered the central square of Diriamba, whose basilica was surrounded by 200 paramilitary and paramilitary hooded, as well as dozens of heavily armed police and some of them also face covered.

When the ecclesiastical delegation arrived at this location, the uniformed officers disappeared to make room for hundreds of "The State of Nicaragua operates and will continue to function and will make use of its constitutional duty, its institutional obligation to maintain order, security and peace, "said Foreign Minister Denis Moncada. leave the seminary of Our Lady of Fatima, in Managua, after the suspension of the work tables "What we have denounced are acts of terrorism committed against Nicaraguans, kidnappings, extortions, humiliations, assassinations to be Sandinist, against police, fires of public buildings, private homes, "he complains. According to Moncada, Nicaragua is undergoing a coup attempt, launched on April 18 with protests against failed social security reforms.

"We have said and we reiterate to the international human rights organizations we are facing a constitutional break, that by the factual way you want to change the government and you have even made death threats against the President of the Republic (Daniel Ortega) who are duly documented, "he said.

He manipulated with whom the elections will be advanced and the government has never said that. "

" We did not say that the elections were going to be advanced. We said that once a climate of security and peace and tranquility reached for all Nicaraguans, we are able to listen to all approaches, including issues of democratization that are of interest to them. opposition, "he insisted.] He argued that the government was respectful of the peaceful marches, but denounced that in the barricades and blockades" terrorism was done. "

The Minister of Foreign Affairs Moncada did not mention the aggression suffered by the bishops, the most bloody socio-political crisis since the 1980s, with Ortega as president, which has left at least 320 dead, according to humanitarian agencies. [19659003]

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