There is more flu


22 new cases were known in just one week

In the last week of June, Yucatan was the state that reported the most cases of influenza in the country, at the rate of three diagnoses per day.

statistics released yesterday by the National System of Epidemiological Surveillance (Sinave) of the Ministry of Health appear 58 cases in the entity during the first half – until the end of the epidemiological week 26 – 22 of them in the last seven days of the report

In the rest of the country, far fewer patients were reported the last week of June. The majority reported only one case. Only Quintana Roo warned 5.

Of the 58 cases in Yucatan, 25 correspond to men and 33 to women

The specialist in infectious diseases, Russel Amir Rodríguez Sánchez, who served for 28 years in the United States. IMSS, indicates that each confirmed case must be multiplied by ten, by those who do not enter the statistics. As a result, the 58 official documents currently stand at 580.

The specialist, secretary of the Sinergia con Sentido Civil Association, states that surveillance systems only capture reports where positive tests are applied.

explains, by government standards, health sector institutions do not perform tests with 10 percent of cases with diagnosis. Under these conditions, the test is free. the patient pays out of pocket when he decides to go to a private laboratory

To a question, Dr. Rodríguez Sánchez assures that, despite the small number of official records, there is a real urgency due to the flu, with unofficial reports.

Servicios de Salud de Yucatán has officially declared only one death due to influenza type A-H1N1. It is, says the agency, a 66-year-old man with no history of vaccination.

In a statement that turned yesterday, the State Department of Health emphasizes, through the intermediary of its Deputy Director of Public Health, Mirza Tec Kumul, that the epidemiological week cut number 27 – the one who made Sinave's appointment yesterday until week 26 – there is a record of 40 confirmed cases – the Sinave mentions 58 – with zero deaths, although it indicates that there may be patients and deaths that have not yet been published because they are under study and will be included in the corresponding period.

Dr. Tec Kumul confirms that for this case, a positive result published by the State Public Health Laboratory (LESP) is required and points out that the most frequently identified serotype is A-H1N1 influenza.

Dr. Rodríguez Sánchez stresses the need for people to strengthen prevention measures. The most basic are frequent hand washing or the use of an antibacterial gel, the use of masks when the occasion warrants, do not do outdoor activities and avoid as much as possible, places of high concentration of people

The doctor explains that the flu is transmitted more by contact than sneezing the patient. This is why it is important to avoid kissing the cheek and the recommended hand washing or the application of antibacterial gel after continuous hand greetings. The door handles of the doors can be vehicles of contamination.- ÁNGEL NOH ESTRADA

Influenza in the Concepts of Yucatan

Some comments of the Health Services of Yucatan on the flu.

Three viruses

] Three seasonal viruses circulating in Mexico: A-H1N1, A-H3N2 and Influenza B. The first was the most identified in Yucatan in recent weeks

How is it transmitted?

The transmission is made in concrete a person (the virus enters the body through the mouth, nose and eyes), mainly when patients or carriers of the flu expel saliva droplets when they sneeze or cough in front of each other without covering their mouths and noses; sharing utensils or food of a sick person; or by greeting, kissing or hugging a person suffering from a respiratory infection.

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