Kill 7 during the party in Tlaquepaque


Guadalajara- A multi-homicide was recorded yesterday at Colonia Francisco I. Madero, in San Pedro Tlaquepaque, Jalisco.

It was reportedly reported that the murdered people were in a meeting inside a house. [19659002] Early investigations showed that different sizes of envelopes were located on the crime scene, such as 9 millimeters, .40, and .223 [19659002] It was also confirmed that the commander had been a commando with long and tactical weapons. They escaped to 8 de Julio Avenue in a Ford Escape truck

In the area, different units of the municipal police station, the prosecutor's office and two units of the Jalisco Institute of Forensic Sciences (IJCF) ) were mobilized.

Era narcotiendita & # 39;

The Attorney General of Jalisco detected that there was a similar modus operandi to other recent violent events in the settlements located in Cerro del 4.

Investigations indicate that the Where the party took place and where the seven people were executed was a narcotiendita

The farm was uninhabited most of the time.

"There seems to be" The Jalisco authorities are investigating the type of .223 caliber bullets used in the execution because they have already been detected in other cases. Cases

"They are already using this type of weapon, we are waiting for the ballistics to see in the relationship if there is similarity with another criminal act," said the official.

For example, this same weekend a merchant in the region of Cerro del 4. An inquiry is made to find out if there is a link.

"Apparently, this may be related to the woman who sold cakes.There are some phones we are trying to link, they are cartels, we still have not identified which cell they belong to", said the prosecutor.

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