Fortnite: Game flames appear all over Europe


Fortnite Battle Royale is about to say his last farewell to his season 4, while Season 5 of this Battle Royale begins on July 12. As part of a viral marketing campaign, Epic Games placed the mascot of a fast food burger in the game in a Californian desert. These days, users from different parts of Europe, including a Spanish city, Barcelona, ​​reported seeing several llamas of Fortnite in their respective cities. This second action would be part of the same viral marketing campaign

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The European cities in which these flames were found are:

  • London, England
  • Barcelona, ​​Spain
  • Warsaw ,
  • Cologne, Germany
  • Cannes, France

The appeals to Fortnite is an easily recognizable object for a simple reason: they are extraordinarily rare, and finding one is a sign of good luck, since in their interior they house all kinds of useful objects for the players. These colorful piñatas are a valuable commodity as coveted in the game, which is why it has been a very good choice in using them in this advertising action.

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Fortnite Season 5 Coming Soon

The big crack in the sky created by the rocket that was launched a few days ago at Fortnite Battle Royale has brought up several objects from different eras throughout the huge stage of the game. It's precisely in this that this advertising action is based, bringing elements of Fortnite to the real world, and dispersing them all over the world.

There are only a few days left to finally fully doubt and be able to check first hand what this season 5 of Fortnite Battle Royale brings. We take this opportunity to remind you that the Season 4 Battle Pass will not serve you, so if you want to participate in the new challenges and new aesthetic content that the game will bring, you must re-subscribe to this premium Epic membership. . Games.