Investors, attentive to ANTAD sales


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In Mexico, investors pay particular attention to the sales results of commercial chains affiliated with the National Association of Self-Service Stores and departmental stores (ANTAD), as well as to contractual wage negotiations, the two indicators corresponding to June. [19659002] In the United States, the May results of the survey on job offers are announced. Specialists were expecting an offer of 6.58 million jobs in the fifth month, compared to the 6.69 million announced in April.

In the afternoon, ANTAD announces the sales behavior of commercial channels in Mexico. Analysts expect the dynamism announced in May to be maintained in May, when sales in the same stores, ie all establishments in operation for more than a year , show a 5.6% change over the same period of 2017. [19659003] In June 2018, the consumer confidence index recorded a monthly increase of 1.1%, with seasonally adjusted data, who have grown three months in a row.

The improvement is explained by the dynamism of the labor market, which has resulted in the creation of formal jobs and the reduction of the unemployment rate; as well as the downward trajectory of inflation and its subsequent impact on household consumption.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Security announces negotiations on the contractual salary in June. Experts estimated that workers would have negotiated an average increase of 5.0%, lower than the 5.7% observed in May.

This estimate is partly explained by the dynamism of the private sector negotiations, since since the beginning of the year, these have averaged 5.6%. However, more public sector negotiations are planned, which on average in 2011 was 3.5%. In the future, wage negotiations should continue to be relatively high.

Moreover, the weekly bulletin on the statement of account of Banco de México is published, where the behavior of international reserves is disclosed. June showed an increase of 34 million dollars. With this, international reserves reached a net balance of 173 thousand 211 million dollars. So far this year, reserves have grown by $ 410 million.

Also this Tuesday, the Ministry of Finance, via the Bank of Mexico as a placement agent, auction of five-year M bonds (December 23), ten-year Udibonos (Nov. 28), as well as Cetes of one, three and six months.

In the international environment, France and the United Kingdom publish data of industrial activity in May. In addition, Germany presents the figures of the indicator ZEW, economic forecasts.

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