A country is built every day, not in a sexennium: Enrique Pea Nieto


10 July 2018

Enrique Pea noted that 384 new military infrastructures were built in his government, in order to strengthen the operational capabilities of the armed forces.

PHOTO: Facebook @EnriquePN

"A country is not built In a six-year term, it is built every day with different actions," said President Enrique Pea Nieto, who also stated that his task and mission with the country has not yet concluded:

"On the contrary, the effort, and the commitment we have with the Mexicans ends until the end. as of November 30, and until that date, we will put the bulk of our efforts, our dedication, the work we have undertaken, the projects that are underway and are being finalized. "

Excelsior newspaper, the head of the executive noted that the participation of the armed forces has been essential to give peace to the Mexicans.

"Precisely, Guanajuato, is one of the entities where we recognize, with other parts of the country, where we must accelerate our efforts, we need to act more efficiently, and reverse the levels of the world. Guanajuato has had insecurity and in other entities of the country

"And in this task we could not undertake it with better results without the support, without the commitment and in the patriotic dedication of our soldiers, pilots and sailors, all the gratitude and gratitude of the President of the Republic on behalf of Mexican society ", mentioned during the inauguration of the 12th Military Police Brigade in Guanajuato

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