PAN profile renewal of state leadership


Damián Zepeda PAN national president, explained that in addition to the renewal of the national leadership of the blue and white will also be those of the states, but asked for time to let him defend the victories obtained in the elections of July 1st.

"Let me defend the triumphs of the candidates who gave everything and then we talked about the leadership, let's close this step." I have a meeting with the state leaders tomorrow because they will renew all the leaders not only the national, "he said in an interview for Grupo Radio Centro .

On Monday, Zepeda said that the PAN presidency would be renewed in the next six months, in accordance with the provisions of the party's statutes, and not because its activists demanded it.

Zepeda reiterated that former presidential candidate Ricardo Anaya will not seek to return to the leadership of the National Action, after he will be in second place in the July 1 elections.

The PAN president stressed that the new leader must be imposed by militancy.

On the virtual elected president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador the PAN declared that he is respectful, but stressed that the PAN is called to oppose and to watch over the new administration.

Zepeda added that he was in agreement with the message sent by the former head of government on the economic security and pacification of the country, although he does not share his proposal on the possible amnesty.

The PAN leader expressed his concern about López Obrador's insistence on appointing the attorney general as well as, he said, for his rejection of an independent and independent prosecutor.

"This is not healthy for a president in the execution of justice and there they do not rely on us .I am deeply concerned about the return of the perfect dictatorship that the president has so much power in the Chambers, and we will be careful not to abuse that power, "he said.

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