Polleros arrested with 32 illegal immigrants in Texas


US Border Patrol UU Officers Assigned to Eagle Pass South and Brackettville stations, they successfully intervened in two separate smuggling attempts, which led to the arrest of 32 illegal aliens and two traffickers [19659002"Partneringwithourlocalstateandfederalpartnersisanessentialpartofourstrategy"saidFelixChavezchiefofDelRio'sareapatrol

. Smuggling organizations will stop at nothing to exploit desperate people

On July 9, officers of the Eagle Pass Border patrol and other law enforcement officers arrested 26 illegal immigrants and one police officer. suspected smuggler.

At a separate event the same day, agents performing their duties near Brackettville found several fingerprints. After following the tracks for a few kilometers, the officers arrested seven illegal aliens who were hiding in an area overgrown with weeds. One of the subjects was identified as a smuggler suspect

Trafficked persons were prosecuted according to the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) guidelines for their presence illegal in the United States. The suspected smugglers are accused of smuggling aliens.

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