USA and Mexico pledges to reunite families of separated migrants. | AmericaEconomy


Washington .- The United States and Mexico pledged Tuesday to work with Central American countries to reunite migrant families who have been separated at the US border, while the United States and Mexico Washington Against Illegal Migrants

More than 2,300 children were separated from their parents after US President Donald Trump's government introduced a "zero tolerance" policy in early May, seeking to prosecute all adults crossing illegally the border of the United States and Mexico

Trump ended the family separation policy last month after a wave of global outrage.

Homeland Security Minister Kirstjen Nielsen met with Mexican Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray and the ministers of Central America in Guatemala City to analyze the separations and how to fight "We remain very attached to the reunification of families who were separated as a result of an illegal entry, and we will work with our colleagues here to repatriate them as quickly as possible, "said Nielsen. at a press conference

Videgaray, who repeated his criticism of politics, made the same promise. The ministers also pledged to collaborate in the fight against traffickers of people who profit from migrants.

Guatemalan authorities have stated that 11 families with 131 people were transferred to the country of Central America on one of the two flights on Tuesday.

A Guatemalan migration official said access to family groups was restricted. But other deportees still waiting to be reunited with their families came to protest against their situation outside the hotel where the ministers met in Guatemala City.

Elsa Ortiz, 25, said she had not seen her son Anthony, 8 years old, since they were arrested in the United States, and then they were separated by Border Patrol Officers in May

"The days go by and I miss him, that's why I'm here to beg him." Donald Trump, please, s & # 39; please, give me back my baby, please, "said Ortiz, who said that he had embarked on the journey in search of a future better

crossing paths that do not have to cross, "he adds

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