The Electoral Tribunal declares the appeal against Velasco's candidature inadmissible


The Superior Court of Electoral Court of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF) declared the appeal against Manuel Velasco current governor of Chiapas, unfair because of his multiparty candidacy in the Senate in representation of the Green Party Ecological.

The objection against said charge in the Senate was filed by Horacio Culebro Borrayas Independent candidate for the Government of Chiapas in the last electoral process.

The judges of the TEPJF felt that the omission of the National Electoral Institute (INE) to respond to the document contesting the appointment of Manuel Velasco is disputed.

"The report issued by the authority indicated as responsible warns that the corresponding answer was issued, therefore, the means of protest was not applicable," explained the Electoral Tribunal.

In addition, they point out that Culebro Borrayas has no legal interest in challenging the case, as this does not cause him any prejudice in his sphere of rights.

At the session, the appeal lodged by the Green Party against the decision of the General Council of INE to change the order of their candidacy to senators with a relative majority in Chiapas also been rejected.

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