They find in Egypt a sarcophagus sealed 2 thousand years ago [Internacional] – 07/12/2018


The World | Egypt .- A group of archaeologists from the Egyptian city of Alexandria, in the north of the country, discovered the largest sarcophagus ever found in this African metropolis. The events took place during excavations before the construction of a new building in the Sidi Gaber neighborhood of the second most important city of Egypt.

Because of the rich artistic and cultural heritage that houses the basement of much of the country. Pharaohs, in many cases it is obligatory that, before building any type of structure in cities like Alexandria, a preliminary study of the soil on which it will be built by archaeologists dependent on the Ministry of Egyptian Antiquities

C & # Thus, the discovery of this black granite sarcophagus dated about 2000 years ago would have taken place. In addition, the mortar layer visible between the lid and the casket's main body indicates that it has not been opened since it was sealed, which attracted the attention archaeologists in a special way. In this sense, the Egyptian artistic heritage has always been the object of greed from grave robbers who have desecrated these enclaves since ancient times.

The sarcophagus measured five meters in depth and, as indicated by the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities, its dimensions are similar to those of a refrigerator, from a height of 1.85 meters, d & # 39; A length of 2.65 meters and a width of 165 centimeters.

However, the sarcophagus was not the only object found during the excavation. Beside, a carved head in alabaster represents, with absolute certainty, the man who is buried in the grave and who seems to have been intentionally disfigured.

The experts believe that the discovery belongs to the Ptolemaic era (305-30 BC), whose name refers to the last dynasty of pharaohs who ruled Egypt until 39 to the conversion of the region into a Roman province. The report came back to put the eye of the specialists of Alexandria, who had been forgotten by archaeologists because of the urban congestion of its metropolitan area, erected on ruins. The discovery area will now become a protected site by the country's authorities.

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