Mexican researchers seek a less toxic alternative against


In their research, experts tested the flavonoids epicatechin and kaempferol, first, in vitro models to find out how they worked against the amoeba.

Then they tested it on animals to see how it eliminates amoebae and takes regeneration of liver tissue by the use of natural metabolites.

After their study, they found that animals treated with metronidazole and those administered with flavonoids had complete regeneration of the liver

. from among them have had adverse reactions by these naturally occurring compounds.

Moisés Martínez said that despite the discovery, they should still perform more tests to find out how the Mexican geranium and cacao kill the amoeba, who are the whites in those who act, their bioavailability ;

"We need to deepen the research and then propose clinical studies confirming these results in human patients," said Moisés Martínez.

According to figures from the World Health Organization. Health (WHO), it is estimated that Entamoeba histolytica infects some 500 million people worldwide and claims the lives of 100,000 people a year.

The researchers consider that flavonoids may be an alternative against this amoeba, either as an alternative treatment or by using it as an adjunct to metronidazole so that lower doses are administered to reduce toxicity.

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