They could be allies against amoebiasis


The use of flavonoids and metabolites obtained from plants aims to reduce the infection caused by an amoeba, according to studies conducted by members of the Research Center and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute (Cinvestav

The Mineko Shibayama Salas and Moisés Martínez Castillo researchers decided to analyze the flavonoids contained in seeds of cocoa and Mexican geranium, which show positive effects against Histolytic Entamoeba amoeba that infects 500 million people each year worldwide.

The treatment used against this amiba is metronidazole; , this generates side effects such as vomiting, nausea, unpleasant metallic taste, lack of appetite among others.

Previously, the use of flavonoids Epicatechin and kaempferol had been studied in in vitro models, ie at a microscopic level in order to observe how they acted against the amoeba. But this is the first time that a study with animal models has been performed to verify how amoebae are eliminated and the regeneration of liver tissue is achieved through the use of natural metabolites.

& # 39; & # 39; Specifically, in this work we see how they modulate the immune response to attack Entamoeba histolytica and heal the liver injury after treatment with flavonoids, "said Shibayama Salas in a statement from Cinvestav.

The results obtained in animals treated with metronidazole as those who received the flavonoids exhibited complete regeneration of the liver.Also they maintained the proper weight, that is, without causing adverse reactions of these compounds of origin

"We have observed a good functioning of flavonoid treatment, and now we have to perform several tests to know how to kill the amoeba, what are the targets in which it acts, its bioavailability, how long it is metabolized and biotransforma, "said Martínez Castillo, who mentioned that they will continue research and propose then clinical studies confirming these results in human patients. Notimex)

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