Registry of Idioptic Pulmonary Fibrosis will help your diagnosis in a timely manner


  Pulmonary fibrosis
The delay in the diagnosis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is one of the main challenges for the adequate care of this rare and deadly disease. Photo: Pulmonar.

Mexico, Jul 13 (Notimex) .- The delay in the diagnosis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is one of the main challenges for the proper care of this rare, disabling and lethal disease, so that the Latin American Registry of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (Refipi) will become a valuable tool.

In order to promote scientific exchanges, generate useful tools and to agree on the results allowing real statistics, it was opened in November this register, which currently involves 18 countries and 200 cases were reported .

Globally, this disease affects approximately three million people over the age of 50, mostly men, and its early detection is important to provide sufferers with adequate treatment that will allow them to get better. improve their quality of life.

More than half of patients receive first-aid treatment. misdiagnosis because it can be confused with other respiratory conditions. In research to identify what impedes breathing, they can go from two to four years, when this condition progresses causing irreversible damage, premature death and an economic impact for families.

Ivette Buendía Roldán, a pulmonologist attached to the Research Unit of the National Institute of Respiratory Diseases (INER) pointed out that the Refipi is one of the most important initiatives of the latter years.

This database will not only provide a better understanding of the current state of the disease in Latin America. also determine its prevalence and integrate efforts throughout Latin America to apply accurate early diagnosis, prognosis and outcome criteria for the benefit of a greater number of patients.

IPF is characterized by an abnormal and unknown process that promotes healing in patients. lungs, which makes it stiff and reduces its size.

As the cycle progresses Attrition of lung tissue, the passage of oxygen in the blood becomes more and more difficult, causing breathing difficulties and organs not receiving enough oxygen to function normally.

The patient may experience symptoms such as shortness of breath, cough persistence, stiffness and chest pain, fatigue, weight loss, and acropenia (deformation of the ends of the fingers and toes in the form of pestles).

"Since disease progression is variable over time, lung function progressively and irreversibly deteriorates, worsening the frequency and intensity of symptoms. known as exacerbations and are the main reason for medical emergencies, hospitalization and premature death, "said the specialist.

He indicated that until a few years ago there were only therapies to relieve some symptoms. added treatment with nintedanib, an innovative drug that reduces the risk of acute exacerbations and disease progression by 50%, thus improving the life expectancy of patients

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