Presidential transition and low productivity should not affect trading: SITIAVW


Rey David García Avendaño estimated that the 19% drop in productivity, the 16% drop in vehicle exports, and the federal government's transition, should not be factors not to exceed 6.5 % pay increase what was achieved last year for members of the Independent Union of the Automobile Industry of the Volkswagen of Mexico.

The general secretary of the organization explained that the workers demanded a wage increase of 11% in bargaining with the company, and acknowledged that the automobile market is unpredictable since during the 45 years of the existence of the Independent Union, the company has undergone several "ups and downs" in the production of several models, although it considered that it was # 39; acted of a natural heartbeat.

King David asserted that after the success of López Obrador, economic stability exists, despite rumors that the investments would be in danger, and assured that until then "there is no has no shocks "in the country's economy since the markets have acted in the normal way


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