Report an attack on students in Nicaragua


Mexico.-The government of Nicaragua today attacked dozens of students who were cut off since the month of May University National Autonomous Community of Nicaragua (UNAN- Managua )

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Photo: EFE

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Students who have been cut off since May in the facilities of the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN-Managua), to protest the acts of repression of the president, Daniel Ortega was allegedly attacked by paramilitary groups allegedly linked to the government.

Young people reported that they were unexpectedly attacked by "combined forces" of the government on Friday afternoon, while Ortega organized a Sandinista party with police in the town of Masaya.

Photo: EFE

The students, who sheltered in the Church of Divine Mercy, reported five wounded youth, one with a bullet in the left leg.

According to protesters, a van moved to the trenches placed to prevent police entry and inside made explosions against youth.

Also, in various cities of the country have reported clashes against armed groups composed by riot police, parapolies, paramilitaries and pro-government groups.

The attack took place after the Nicaraguan government showed interest in having classes restored in UNAN-Managua, despite the presence of students in its interior.

Photo: AFP

The students, who were expelled from the university during the attack, used the campus as a sanctuary for young protesters who feared reprisals from the authorities for protesting against Ortega.

Some of them used Facebook Live to say goodbye to their parents, with the belief that they would die in the attack, while the gunshots could be heard with them. .

Mom, forgive me, I went out to defend my homeland, I love you, did you hear ?, said a student, at the foot of a barricade, in an internet broadcast.

For mine, I have not seen her since April, since I left my house in Estelí, I thank her, I tell her that I like her a lot and that I do not regret anything, I'm dead for a cause, young man in the video

Photo: AFP

Three hours after the attack, the students had not reported any deaths, but dozens of wounded, some of them seriously, who had not been able to leave the campus.

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) criticized the Ortega government for serious human rights violations. ;man.

Nicaragua is going through the most bloody socio-political crisis of its history in these times of crisis. peace, and the cruelest since the 1980s, with Ortega being president, adding more than 300 dead since the protests began two months ago.

Protests against Ortega and his wife, Vice President Rosario Murillo they started because of the failure of social security reforms and they became a claim that requires the resignation of the president, after 11 years in power, with accusations of abuse and corruption against him.

Photo: AFP

Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes condemned and repudiated the attacks on UNAN students

I invite the authorities to avoid any confrontation that would result in more blood, more deaths of Nicaraguans, said the cardinal, who again evoked He received the direct form of Ortega, the vice-president and wife of the latter, Rosario Murillo, and the second head of the national police, Francisco Díaz

The bishops Silvio Báez and Rolando Álvarez joined the petition, which has not been heard since. "Combined forces" surrounded the university to prevent students from being saved, and then burned some buildings inside the campus, according to students, recorded in cell phone videos.

Báez also reported an attack and partial destruction of a student. Catholic Temple where university students sought refuge

In this note:

  • Paramilitaries
  • Government
  • Nicaragua
  • Students [1965903] 2] University
  • Managua

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