Yanet García gasps with his infamous white bikini


Yanet García does not stop showing his curves on Instagram. " The climate girl " of the program Today shared with her 6.4 million faithful a few images in which she appears with a sexy white bikini .

To read also: Yanet Garcia, beyond "the daughter of the climate"

Yanet García posed for a famous gentlemen's magazine, presenting some of the hottest clichés, getting over 375,000 likes in a day.

beautiful "," several curves and me without brakes "," can I eat you? "," beautiful "," you are beautiful "," the most beautiful latina "," good pictures like for a calendar "," when are you going to do a session for Playboy "and" chulada de mujer ", were a few comments in their publications

In addition to sharing their routines to maintain a large body, Yanet García shows the results of his hard work, leaving little to the imagination with his ardent publications that have very happy his followers

In this note:

  • Social Networks
  • Yanet García
  • The Climate Girl
  • Today Program

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