Today Tamaulipas – Only two cases of dengue fever are recorded in Matamoros


Thanks to the joint work of the Health Sector and the community, a great reduction of cases has been achieved, having already made 40 cases in the same period of 2017, Jesús Peña Alemán, Head of the Third Sanitary Jurisdiction, informed [19659002] The head of the third health jurisdiction, Jess Pea Alemn, informed that this is due to the joint work of the health sector and the same community who responded to the call to take measures to prevent the proliferation of the transmitting mosquito

Isabel Rendn

Matamoros, Tamaulipas .- Only two cases of dengue were recorded in Matamoros this year, whereas at the same period of 2017, they had already taken 40, dengue being the only disease so far rejected Zika and Chinkungunya, informed Jesús Peña Alemán.

The head of the Third Sanitary Jurisdiction, said that this is due to the joint work of the Health Sector and the same community who responded to the call for action to prevent the proliferation of the disease. mosquito transmitter of the aforementioned diseases.

Established that since the beginning of the year fumigation programming has been done in the colonies and ejidos of Matamoros and until now it has been filled with the same, and for this second semester a Equal timing has been done, so that all year these actions are maintained, which show a positive balance.

Peña Alemán maintained that he received complaints that there are many lots vacant lots that contain a lot of grass and garbage; both cases become potential breeding sites, but unfortunately they can not do anything about it because they have no power to do it.

He explained that two important aspects should be covered to have this low number of cases of vector-borne diseases. and much of it is due to fumigation and the application of slaughter in colonies and ejidos of Matamoros.

While the other and no less important is the effort made by the community to clean the yards of their homes and not containers or pots that can accumulate water and become a center of risk

He pointed out that even when there is an established schedule of fumigation and reduction, they come when there is a call from the population to apply these actions when they feel that there is a risk to catch dengue, zika or chinkungunya


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