18 cases of AH1N1 flu are reported so far in 2018


Hubert Carrera Palí
picture: Rodrigo Díaz Guzmán
The Mayan Voyage

San Francisco de Campeche
Sunday, July 15, 2018

In the state of Campeche, only 18 cases of AH1N1 flu so far this year, against the 25 that had been reported during the same period but from 2017, informed the head of the Ministry of Health in the State (SSA) Rafael Rodríguez Cabrera.

Given the proximity of the summer vacation period, sudden changes in temperature and air currents present in the state, urged the public to maintain preventive measures of influenza, and encourage the culture of self-care, since this disease is curable if it is treated in time.

Rodríguez Cabrera appealed to promote within the family the need to implement preventive and protective measures, with a focus on children under five years of age and older, actions such as vaccination against influenza. foods rich in vitamin C and D.

He reports that he met with the members of the interinstitutional committee: IMSS, ISSSTE, SEDUC and UACAM to take all the preventive measures, and stressed that it is essential to see the doctor when the first manifestations are presented of the disease, like a fever higher than 38 ° C, cough, headache, liquid and nasal obstruction, articular and muscular pains, decay, sore throat, chest and abdominal pains, nasal congestion or diarrhea.

It is also important to isolate the patient and to avoid any contact with children or people over 65, to wear masks, to keep food preparation utensils and objects Patient's staff isolated from the rest of the family. avoid the patient's attendance at large events or public places with great assistance, wash hands after contact with the patient and avoid touching the face, cover the mouth while sneezing, and avoid exposure sudden changes in temperature and

In the same way, a strict response plan is guaranteed and it is clear to the population that there is no outbreak of the disease, in Campeche there is Early detection and rapid treatment of cases with a stock of Tamiflu with 650 treatments, as well as supplies to collect and treat samples (swabs) available in the above-mentioned influenza surveillance units. [19659002] He said that through the three health jurisdictions, 2,000 prevention posters are distributed throughout the state in strategic sites such as terminals, tourist and commercial sites; staff are trained and the computer platform for epidemiology is up-to-date, timely notification with active and effective epidemiological surveillance, and medical teams are grouped for care in the units of the sector .

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