The leader & # 39; Los Zetas & # 39; will appear in the Texas court


An alleged leader of the "Los Zetas" cartel will appear Monday in federal court in the city of Waco, Texas, for illicit drug trafficking and possession of firearms.

Juan Francisco Treviño Chávez Jr., also known as "Kiko" or "Comandante Kiko", is charged with seven counts of indictment, including drug trafficking within the country. State by the South. Texas

Five of these charges carry penalties up to life imprisonment. The 38-year-old accused was arrested near Houston nearly two years ago.

At a bail hearing in February, a federal agent testified that Treviño had denied being a cartel leader.

In court, he dismissed a prosecution agreement in which he was sentenced to only 30 years.

Federal District Judge Alia Moses, based in Del Rio, requested that the trial be transferred to Waco.

] The alleged leader of "Los Zetas", José María Guizar, is detained in CDMX

Special forces of the Mexican Navy arrested José María Guizar Valencia aka # 39; Z-43 & # 39; in the capital of the country, alleged leader of the criminal organization "Los Zetas."

The capture took place on Thursday and was confirmed at 10 pm with 19 minutes by Secretary of the Interior Alfonso Navarrete, on his twitter account.

José Maria G "Z-43" was one of the 122 priority objectives of the Mexican government, as it was allegedly responsible for the trafficking of cocaine and methamphetamine from the south of the country to the United States.

a reward of $ 5 million to the person who provided information for his capture, since he was considered the commander of "Los Zetas", after the discouragement of Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano "El Lazca" and the capture of his successor Miguel Ángel Treviño Morales, the "Z-40"

"Despierta" accesses the latest photograph of "El Lazca", head of "Los Zetas";

AP Information


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