"Operation cleaning" leaves 10 dead in Nicaragua


Managua .- At least 10 dead and dozens wounded left in five Pacific cities the so-called "Operation Cleanup" of the Nicaraguan government, which consists of armed attacks against the civilian population roadblocks, denounced the Nicaraguan Association of Human Rights (ANPDH).

"There are six deaths in Masaya, two killed in Diriá and two in Catarina," said Álvaro Leiva, Executive Secretary of the ANPDH. In the town of Masaya, the clashes killed six people, including four of the riot police, the activist said.

The National Police has not yet confirmed the death of four of its agents.

In the municipality of Diriá, Department of Granada, the so-called combined forces of the government – consisting of police, riot police, paramilitaries and paramilitaries – were expelled from their homes by Almer Morales and Allan Morales (father and son) and were executed, said the activist

Meanwhile, other people died in the municipality of Catarina, Masaya province, including a little girl 10-year-old injured by bullet in the abdomen. He added that many wounded were registered and that 11 paramilitaries were detained by the civilian population.

Meanwhile, government forces besieged several areas of Masaya yesterday, causing several injuries. This is a serious repression against the demonstrations that have killed more than 351 people in three months.

"They will destroy Masaya, he is absolutely surrounded" by the government forces, said the president of the Nicaraguan Center for Human Rights (Cenidh), Vilma Núñez

The executive secretary of the ANPDH denounced that police and parapolicías forcibly took Masaya Provincial Hospital and denied attention to the victims. In addition to this, by the city site, there is no "humanitarian evacuation channel" to transfer the wounded to Managua.

Hours after the announcement of the attack, a caravan of the Follow-up Mechanism for Nicaragua (Meseni) The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) left for Masaya "to to achieve peaceful solutions and protect the population, "said the auxiliary bishop of Managua, Silvio Báez, on Twitter

. 30 kilometers that separate Masaya from Managua, but there, a group of heavily armed police and parapolices blocked the entrances to the city, so they chose to stop.

The group that opened the delegation was in favor of going forward. try to get to "show the strength". However, the fear of the possibility that they opened fire weighed more and decided to withdraw to Managua, where they erected new barricades.

In addition, a vehicle in which the Nicaraguan bishop Abelardo Mata was shot yesterday by a group Parapolicías who was kept posted between the road that leads from Managua to Masaya, informed a magistrate of a Court of Appeal.

Similarly, Cardinal Leopoldo José Brenes denounced that a group of police and paramilitaries entered the parish house yesterday of the municipality of Catarina, Masaya, and some property was taken from the parish and the priest Jairo Velásquez.

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