WhatsApp: It's the story of "Momo", the touch everyone is talking about | Chihuahua News


Social networks monopolized the face of a character known in WhatsApp simply as 'Momo'. and is known for its unique features: salient eyes and wide and unnatural mouth For this reason, some netizens wondered: who is this person and why has he managed to transcend multiple online portals? Check out below the story of this terrifying character.

It all started from a so-called challenge that arose in WhatsApp . Some users shared a phone number (+81435102539) stating that it was a strange number. The funny thing is that the (+81) indicates that the phone belongs to someone located in Japan . When the contact is added, the strange picture appears.

This is a figure that bothers anyone and who could be the image of a fictional character or created with one of the many filters for photographs that exist on the Internet. The message that is read next to the image is in Japanese and is "と を は を を を す す す す す す". According to Google Translator means: "People call me L".

The challenge that became viral not only disputed to add the number in Whatsapp but by speaking to it Presumably the one behind the number, who calls himself & # 39; Momo & # 39; is able to speak in several languages ​​and engage in a conversation. Several netizens decided to write to him but what they found was not pleasant.


But, from where does the story of 'Momo' come from? ? It is certain that the profile image of Whatsapp is not a person. The truth is that the figure was first seen in Japan in 2016, some even took pictures with it.

According to the Fayerwayer website, the image comes from a museum in Ginza, Tokyo . & # 39; Vanilla Gallery & # 39; is a place known for doing alternative and often terrifying art shows. In 2016, they opened an exhibition on ghosts and ghosts, in which this humanoid sculpture of a "woman-bird" stood out.

Many visitors went to the museum in Tokyo to take pictures with this curious artistic element that was exposed at that time. More than one was delighted with this and even praised the work. It was as good as the "woman-bird" appears in different images shared by the same users in the different social networks


Now that we know where the picture comes from, probably the owner of the mentioned number he just has loved the sculpture and put it in profile. Another explanation is that maybe he wanted to instill fear in the people who wrote to him. What is certain is that it is not a supernatural entity or a monster.

It was also suggested not to be extorted in case this WhatsApp contact obtained personal information. You must not accept threats or enter a link that you send. It is very easy to fall into the "phishing" or scam.

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