Frustrated bank robbery with hostages in Hermosillo


Hermosillo, Son.- An assault on the Sendero Plaza branch of Banorte in Hermosillo became a takeover of a scenario that had not been presented in the entity in a decade .

The assault began when a man entered the branch, once it was open, and attempted to attack the people who were in the place.

However, after being discovered and surrounded by police officers, the assailant took three bank employees hostage and threatened them with the knife with which he intended to commit the robbery .

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Police tried to negotiate the release of bank employees, without success, so it was necessary the intervention of a sniper who did three shots that hurt the assailant.

The taking of hostages at the bank lasted a little over two hours.

According to the preliminary report, the thief was taken to the Sonoran General Hospital for medical treatment.

The assault attempt on the Banorte branch was the ninth event of this type until this year in Sonora.

On the other hand, the previous hostage taking occurred in 2008 in the city of Nogales.

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