Wapayasos challenge Instagram when publishing the image of a powerful erection (PHOTO) – La Neta Noticias


The Wapayasos have gained popularity among women, for the sensual spectacles that they usually present.

With childish voices and muscular figures, the Wapayasos earned a place in the public's taste, especially of women

Members of Wapayasos were characterized for provoking controversy, whether for their romances with love, infidelity or social networking

. Sensual clowns challenged social networks by publishing an image that influenced their followers.

Through their Instagram stories, the Wapayasos shared the photo of the erection of one of its members who said:

For all those who are celebrating happy Birthday! SWIPEUP. "

It seems that the publication is part of the promotion of his song" Happy Birthday ", but the content left his supporters speechless.

The picture warmed his fans and although he does not show it that Wapayaso it is, it is believed that it is Ian García, because it is not the first time that the clown does this kind of publications.

In l 39; snapshot we can only see the naked torso of one of the Wapayasos ]

To see the provocative picture, click here

It must be remembered that Instagram policies prohibit the content and inappropriate behavior in this social network, so that the photo could be censored Soon

Ian Garcia and Robbie both uploaded this type of images to the official account of Wapayasos and their Instagram profiles, so that their fans think that it could be one of them [19659013] With information from Radio Fórmula and La Verdad.

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