US accuses Trump of capitulation to Vladimir Putin


Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. Photo: AP

US President Donald Trump became the target of an unprecedented exchange of fire between Republicans and Democrats, who denounced his behavior in front of his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin as an act of entreguismo and even treason .

After the Bilateral Meeting in Finland, Trump questioned the conclusions of the US intelligence apparatus in the sense that Russia was interfered with the Presidential Election 2016.

"Donald Trump's performance at the Helsinki press conference is equivalent and exceeds the threshold of" crimes and crimes ". , said the former director of the CIA John Brennan referring to the constitutional terms that warrant a political trial

"Not only was he a traitor." Not only were Trump's comments stupid, but they show that it's in Putin's pocket. "

John Brennan
Former Director of the CIA

For Republican Senator from Arizona, John McCain Trump's behavior alongside Putin was one of the most unhappy moments of any US president

"The damage inflicted by naivety, the Egoism, false equivalence and sympathy for autocrats is difficult to calculate.But it is clear that the Helsinki summit was a tragic mistake. "

On a more diplomatic tone, the president of the House of Representatives, the Republican Paul Ryan argued that the President should understand that Russia is not an ally of the United States

"There is no moral equivalence between the United States and Russia, which remains hostile to our most fundamental values ​​and ideals. The United States should focus on Russia's empowerment and put an end to its infamous attacks on democracy, "he said.

The Most Skeptic, the Leader of the Senate Democrats, Charles Schumer that Trump's behavior towards Putin suggests that the Russian leader must have harmful information about the President of the United States.

"Trump's weakness to Putin was shameful and Evidence that the Russians have something about the president, personally, financially or politically, "he said.

" It's a sad day for the United States and for all Western democracies that Putin continues to target. "

Nancy Pelosi
Leader of the Democrats in the House of Representatives

Trump signed with Putin, but in the United States they reproach him

The refusal of the president Donald Trump to recognize the alleged ] The Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential election was criticized by Republican lawmakers and also refuted by the head of the council from the Administration, Dan Coats . "Dan Coats and others have said that they think it is Russia (guilty of # 39; interference). I have President (Russian Vladimir) Putin (next to me). He said that it is not Russia. I would say this. I see no reason why this could be, "Tump told a reporter who asked him about intelligence agency reports.

In a statement released shortly after, Coats, national intelligence director and former Republican senator from Indiana, defended the role of US intelligence agencies stating that the information and assessment on the issue they gave Trump are the best

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Coats reflected in his commentary the almost widespread malaise provoked by the declaration of Trump in Helsinki, Finland at a joint press conference with the Russian President, after a bilateral meeting.

"We clearly assessed the interference of Russia in s the 2016 elections and his current efforts to undermine our democracy "[19659014] Dan Coats
Chief of Intelligence Council

In addition, some firm supporters of Trump, as the former Republican leader of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich condemned the position of the US President. ] "President Trump must clarify his statement in Helsinki about our intelligence system and Putin.It is the most serious mistake of his presidency and should be corrected immediately" Gingrich warned in a Twitter message

In a separate message, Republican Senator from Arizona, Jeff Flake expresses his astonishment at what he said. he considers a surrealist scene.

"I would never have thought to see the day our American president would be on stage with the Russian president, accusing the United States of Russian aggression … .is shameful", a- he said on his Twitter account

Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney seeking a Senate seat for the state of Utah, he joined reproaches and called the Trump Declaration "a dishonor and harmful to our democratic principles."

"Russia remains our number one geopolitical adversary." Ensuring a moral equivalence between the United States and Russia not only challenges reason and history, but it undermines our national integrity and affects our global credibility, "he said in a statement

Trump tried to answer the critic with a message about Twitter, in which he said he "recognized" today and several times before, I have great confidence in his people's intelligence. "

"However, I have also recognized that to build a bright future, we can not focus exclusively on the past because like the two largest nuclear powers, we must agree," he writes.

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