Cellulite at home




Tue 17 Jul 2018, 4:03

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The use of tight clothing compresses tissues and promotes the storage of fats. Therefore, always wear comfortable clothes for the skin to breathe.

Stress stimulates cellulite because it releases insulin, promotes storage of sugar and fats. Therefore, a stress free life prevents cellulite.

When cellulite appears in the legs, buttocks and more parts of the body, we think, goodbye bikini and tight clothes !, We are overcome by the fear that our skin will not be the same, but calm, all is not lost, changes in diet, beauty routines and these five exercises we will introduce, will help us eliminate the call, "orange peel".


The recumbent routine is ideal for eliminating cellulite in the legs, while fortifying and toning the abdomen, as it eliminates greasy nodules and improves circulation.

The routine is to perform three sets of 20 repetitions, just lie on your back, lift your legs and with your hands on the sides, you have to imitate with your legs the movement as if you were pedaling


Skipping rope is a great option for aerobic exercise because it helps to improve blood and lymphatic circulation and reduce body fat and cellulite.

It is advisable to perform a routine of 8 minutes at least three times a week. You can start with 5 minutes and if you feel that it is a very heavy exercise, perform small intervals.

Let's take a step!

The stage is an aerobic exercise that involves performing a routine with movements to lower and elevate a platform or a walk. This exercise is perfect for toning the buttocks, legs and hips, eliminating cellulite in this area.

Perform 15 reps as you walk down, your heels should be hung over the edge and your toes raised. Do this exercise three times a week.


The buttocks are one of the areas where cellulite is most visible, therefore, the importance of performing a specific exercise routine for this area is paramount.

Do 12 repetitions, lie on your back and raise your body, leaning over your four limbs, your hands should be under the shoulders, hold in this position for five seconds.


Abductors, is an anti-cellulite exercise that will help eliminate cellulite from the thigh and hip.

The routine is to lie on the side on a mat or mat, legs lying one on the other, place one hand to support the neck and the other On the ground. Lift the leg that is above the ora and hold it in the air for 3 seconds. Perform 15 repetitions with each leg.

With this exercise routine, you can alternate the five and spend less than 10 minutes a day, this accompanied by a change of diet, not only eliminate cellulite, but also reduce weight and your body .


To drain and eliminate cellulite, drink tap water. The lack of water promotes the retention of water. Regarding soft drinks and soft drinks are prohibited.

The use of tight clothing compresses the tissues and promotes the storage of fats. Therefore, it is advisable to always wear comfortable clothes for the skin to breathe.


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