Jeff Bezos becomes the richest man in modern history


Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon, continues to break records. First, he became the richest man in the world. Then in the richest man of our time. And now, the richest man in modern history. That's what the "Bloomberg Billionaires Index" says.

According to this classification, the wealth of Bezos exceeds 128 billion euros (150 billion dollars) which places it at number one, with nearly 47 billion dollars. ($ 55 billion) more than Bill Gates, located at number two.

It has been a year since Bezos became the richest man in the world. Since then, his fortune has steadily grown, and in January of this year he has surpassed Bill Gates' historic maximum, with a wealth that has nearly reached 89 billion euros ($ 104 billion). ). , some felt that Jeff Bezos' fortune was not superior to that of Gates, since the historical maximum of Gates (about 85 billion euros in 1999) had not been corrected for inflation, contrary to the maximum reached by the founder of Amazon.

But today, the fortune of Bezos officially beats that of the founder of Microsoft. The 85 billion euros of Gates in 1999 (100,000 million dollars) would equate to about 127 billion euros currently (149 billion dollars), so even making the necessary adjustments, Bezos crowns the list .

These past two years, Bezos' legacy has exploded with Amazon's growing revenues. The creator's record of the e-commerce company was reached on Monday, the day he started Amazon Prime Day a day of big cuts in which orders are multiplied around the world. 19659002] Its record also coincides with the first of three days of strike convened by Amazonian workers in San Fernando de Henares, in Madrid, where is the largest logistics center Employees called the protest after having failed wage negotiations opposing a sectoral agreement which, since April, included cuts, notably wage freeze, elimination of categories Worker Reconciliation and Measures

Douglas Harper, Workers' Commissions (CCOO) delegate at Amazon, told Euronews: "A company that is in a process of complete expansion, globally and exponentially, with the richest boss in the history of humanity and intends to make a line of business with our rights […] Amazon workers are loincloth said, at least in San Fernando, which under these conditions we do not work. "

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