There would be more cases of influenza than those reported by the authorities


MERIDA, Yuc.- The Health Secretariat of Yucatán (SSY) acknowledged that there would be more cases of influenza than the 92 officially declared since as indicated by its protocols, only 10% of patients who come to the clinic are tested quickly and the laboratory test (PCR) only applies to in-patients or those who die.

As we have said, there would be at least ] 20 deaths due to influenza that are still not officially reported, including some minor ones.

At a press conference, the SSY leader, Jorge Mendoza Mezquita, reported that they were officially four deaths that were confirmed related to the respiratory disease and have reported in Umán, Mérida, Kanasín and Tixkokob.

The ages of the deceased fluctuate between 30 and 65 years of age. 98% of the cases correspond to the AH1N1 strain, they were not vaccinated and they had other diseases that complicated their state of health.

Minor deceased

In the case of the minor who died last weekend in Progreso, He informed that it was known that he had probably contracted the flu, but he was not not included in the official report because it has not been tested in the laboratory to verify it (PCR), only a quick test

"In comorbidity there is a group of the population knows that They can be complicated, such as diabetes, asthma or hypertension, but often obesity is not always taken into account by people as a risk factor. SSY leader reiterated that the epidemic will continue to increase in the coming weeks and that "the government can not alone, needs the help of society." [19659002] "We are facing an outbreak of infectious respiratory diseases, not only is the flu increasing and this makes the diagnosis more complex. You must take what is the flu and what is not. We can not administer treatment indiscriminately, so we ask that you consult the doctor for a correct diagnosis, "he concluded.

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