They kill an endangered turtle in the United States


UNITED STATES – A group dedicated to the conservation of sea turtles in Alabama (USA) published on its Facebook profile the image of a dead turtle by the neck to a folding chair, denouncing in the attached message the danger of leaving objects and garbage on the beach.

"How many hundreds of times do we have to ask people to pick up their things?" decency, "regrets the Collective Fort Morgan Shares the Beach .

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The turtle image was shared more than four thousand times, and generated a lot of comments that, for the most part, agree to condemn the bad practice of leaving objects on the beach. the denunciate ecologist collective, all that remains in the sand can be washed away by the tide and become a potential danger to aquatic animals.

The turtle that appears on the picture belongs to the lepidochelys kempii of 39; "species.", known in the United States as "Kemps Ridley" and in other Spanish-speaking locations such as the Kemp turtle, the turtle parrot, the bastard turtle or the turtle olive tree.

It is a species of American sea turtle groin of the family Cheloniidae currently is in danger of extinction.

From information portal RT

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