They find billions of tons of diamonds! … almost impossible to remove


Joint Research of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Harvard and the University of California published in the journal Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, revealed that there are billions of diamonds in the deepest sections of the cratons .

Cratons are the continental masses in the lithosphere, between the crust and mantle.

To find the diamonds, the researchers scanned the seismic activity that is, the sounds of the Earth, which they normally use to measure earthquakes .

When examining the sound wave marks, they found a " treasure chest " among them as they travel at different speeds depending on the composition, temperature or the mineral that they roam.

Ulrich Faul, a researcher at the Department of Earth Sciences, Atmosphere and Planets of MIT, explains that This shows that diamond at the geological scale of things, is relatively common. However, we can not reach them, although there are still many more diamonds than we thought. "

The study warns that the lower sections of the cratons are composed of 1% or 2% of diamonds. [19659002] By calculating the total volume of cratonic roots around the Earth they calculated that it was There are billions of diamonds between 19459006 and 145 and 241 kilometers below the surface of the Earth. where the man has disappeared is 12 kilometers.

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