They find billions of tons of diamonds in the Earth's interior


Its extraction seems impossible since the deposits closest to the surface of our planet are at a depth of 150 kilometers.

They find billions of tons of diamonds inside the Earth A scientific study published in the magazine Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems reveal that there are billions of tons of buried diamonds In the interior of the Earth

However, its extraction seems impossible since these precious stones are at a depth of between 150 and 300 kilometers. According to a joint research by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) and universities in several countries, diamonds have been detected in the deepest sections of the cratons, the landmasses in the lithosphere, between the crust and the mantle. 19659003] An anomaly allowed scientists to cross this discovery. When the researchers analyzed the sound waves that help to "scan" the Earth's interior, they observed that these waves crossed the cratons at a speed twice that expected. And it's that the sound changes speed depending on the type of rock that runs through.

Academics have created computer simulations to explain this phenomenon and have concluded that the most feasible is that the deepest sections of cratons contain a percentage of diamonds between 1 and 2%, which makes the sound run at a speed superior to that of standard craton rock.

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