Instagram idea new security method anti-hackers



Instagram will be more secure with a new authentication process

Theft of Instagram accounts and any other social network is at The agenda, especially since the extraction of bitcoins through these has become fashionable. However, the social network of photography that already has more than 1,000 million active monthly users is particularly vulnerable as it only offers a secure authentication method.

A first report from Motherboard reveals the failure of Instagram: Two steps through the text message. This means that if they steal your phone and clone your SIM card, someone can always try to access your account, receive the confirmation number and steal your user from the popular social network.

To avoid this, Instagram told Techcrunch that it is working on a new development that will give more options for authentication of two steps that do not include the reception of An SMS.

This new authentication process will work through other security applications like Google Authenticator. This means that it will be able to generate a special code where you have installed the application. This code will be the one you will need to place to recover your account.

Facebook, for example, has a system of codes that you can download to access your account when you log in from an unknown location, even if you also have an SMS sending for those who believe that this is the fastest way to access their accounts.

Instagram is constantly updated. The latest social network report ensures that you will soon be able to eliminate annoying followers without their knowledge and without the need to block them.

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