Foods that contain more sugar than a soft drink


According to data from the National Survey of Health and Nutrition, conducted in 2016, 73 percent of Mexico's adult population suffers from overweight or obesity, so it is very important to 39; be aware of what we consume

If you are one of the people who know your health, here we present these foods that contain more sugar than a soft drink.

200 grams of milk chocolate contains about 25 grams of sugar. It is important to keep the consumption of this product in order, because its taste stimulates its consumption without control.

There are several varieties of these cereals, but the main problem lies in those who, in addition to the fruits, have added sweetness. While it is typical that these meals contain about 12 grams per serving, the problem is that most people fill an entire bowl rather than a recommended serving. No more milk.


According to the portal "Life by DailyBurn", a portion of ½ cup contains 17 grams of sugar. This amount may not seem bad, but again the problem is the amount that is consumed, because the average person usually doubles.

One of these glasses could contain up to 380 calories, 10 grams of fat, 170 mg of sodium and 48 grams of sugar. Typically, this type of yogurt is sweetened with corn syrup and granola.


According to the book "I Quit Sugar" by Sarah Wilson, it is explained that the sugar contained in nuts is concentrated. A ½ cup serving of sweet dried cranberries contains 37 grams of sugar, while the same amount of fresh fruit contains only 2 grams. It is advisable to consume small portions and look for fruits that do not contain any added sweeteners.

On average, this type of shakes contains up to 83 grams of sugar and there are even recipes whose smaller portion contains more sugar than two cans of soda.

There are salads, like this one, that contain up to 66 g of sugar because they're made of sweet fruits like pineapple, dried cranberries and tangerines. In addition, it is complemented with a honey vinaigrette.

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