Tom Holland attacks again and reveals the spoiler & # 39; Avengers 4 & # 39;


Tom Holland whom we now nickname Spoiler-Man for all that he escaped by saying that 2018, is back with the spoilers of the film world of Marvel. During an interview, the actor escaped some very important details about Avengers 4.

The Avengers planned (which would be called End of Play ]) will be released in theaters in May 2019 after the premiere of Captain Marvel and a few months before Spider-Man: Far From Home and with the recent creation of Ant-Man and Wasp (especially for the shocking post-credit scene), fans have an idea of ​​what will happen in the film. But now, Tom Holland could have spoiled us completely.

In an interview with Access Hollywood in April Tom and his partner Benedict Cumberbatch spoke of the difficulty of delivering their lines. Speaking of Cumberbatch, who plays Doctor Strange, Tom says: "Even though he has the most difficult lines, he has to talk about so much about the Quantum Kingdom, I just have to say" Yes, my friend, it's amazing! "It's easy but it's so hard!"

Now, if you've ever seen Infinity War you know we have not seen much Dr. Strange and the Quantum Kingdom. Infinity War and Avengers 4 were, for the most part, filmed at the same time so it is likely that Tom Holland spoke of scenes that we did not still seen. In other words, revealed much of the plot … again

Many fans have speculated that one of the main points of Avengers 4 could say with the Quantum Kingdom and, after what happens at the end of Ant-Man and Wasp, it is almost certain that this will be how Thanos will be defeated.

Although, to be fair, Tom just said what everyone thought would happen anyway . However, his comment simply showed that all our theories are accurate, so we'll let him go …

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