Conquest dance by Chris Hemsworth and Elsa Pataky


SPAIN.- Chris Hemsworth does not stop delighting all his fans. The actor is not only a grandfather and a husband, but he also showed that is a talented dancer.

Chris surprised his wife, Elsa Pataky, by giving him his 42nd birthday, a sexy dance class taught by him, informs the Infobae portal.

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"Thor" showed his ability to dance to the rhythm of the catchy song "Despacito" by Luis Fonsi, and he began sensually – the exaggerated movements of Hemsworth sparked the laughter of the Spaniard and all who were present at the celebration.

"I gave my wife a dance class on her birthday, he should have received an I. Happy Birthday, my love," Chris wrote on his Instagram account, with the video of the dance that & # 39; He shared with all his followers and already has more than 10 million views on the social network.

It was the wish of Elsa to celebrate her birthday with her family and friends in her home country, Spain.

"The best birthday of all with those I love the most, especially with this one that always makes me laugh". Elsa on her Instagram account with a nice photo with her husband

Both were very active in their respective Instagram accounts, posting moments that they spend together as husbands, and as a family with their children.

This is not the first time Hemsworth has demonstrated his ability to dance. In May the actor publishes a video doing a funny choreography to the rhythm of the song "Wrecking Ball" of his sister-in-law, Miley Cyrus, accompanied by his three children.

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