In May, the Colombian trade balance exploded


In May 2018, there was a deficit in the In Colombia, the trade balance of 637.8 million FOB, compared with the same month of 2017, had a deficit of FOB $ 66.0 million.

According to the report of the National Administrative Department of Statistics, Dane, for the fifth month of the year , there was a surplus of the group of fuels and mining products which was FF 1,758.9 million FOB, higher FOB $ 217.7 million compared to the same month in 2017.

Meanwhile , the deficit of the manufacturing group (US $ 2,615.5 million FOB) increased by US $ 551.4 million FOB compared to May 2017.

On the other hand, between January and May this year year, there was a deficit in the Colombian trade balance of $ 2,129.8 million am FOB, at the same period of 2017 there was a deficit of US $ 3,210 During this period, China's deficit decreased by 89.9 million US dollars FOB, which is explained by the FOB $ 428.4 million increase in crude oil exports.

Purchases increased

During my self, Colombian purchases abroad increased, according to the agency's report, by 21.1% over same month of 2017, to settle at C $ 4,513.3 million.

In the case of Santander, the agency reported that imports totaled 73.1 million US dollars CIF, which means an increase of 37.8%. In addition, they accounted for 1.6% of national purchases.

Mainly, this rise is explained by the rise in the group of manufactured goods, which rose by 22.1% to 3,506.5 million US dollars, and agricultural, food and beverage products reached 642.3 million US dollars. CIF, which has shown an annual increase of 39.1%.

On the other hand, informed the Dane, the value of imports of the group of fuels and products of the extractive industries was 361,1 million American dollars CAF, which represented a decrease of 6,9%.

25.9% of Colombia's external purchases came from the United States. Foreign purchases from China, Mexico, Germany, Brazil, France and Japan follow their order.

Meanwhile, in the first five months of the year, purchases totaled 20,204.3 million US dollars, up 6.0% over the same period in 2017

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