Will Juan Carlos Osorio leave the national team?


MEXICO – Juan Carlos Osorio is visiting Cali, Colombia, where he acknowledged that would like to lead the national team of his country.

"Like any other Colombian coach, the opportunity to reach a great choice like ours is inevitable.For the love I have for the country, which is extraordinary, caution is that today (yesterday) and tomorrow (today) in Mexico we will know our decision After that, it will be the decision of other people, "said Osorio, according to Excelsior in his section Adrenalina

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The coffee contract with the Mexican national team, finished as soon as it was over. he was eliminated by Brazil, but the FMF wanted his continuity.

On the other hand, the South American technician said that he was very grateful for the opportunity that he was offered to take charge of the Mexican national team, as it was one of the goals that It was fixed, and that apparently culminated with his recent participation in the World Cup in Russia 2018.

"As I have always expressed, I I have manifested, we are eternally grateful to the Mexican Federation for the occasion that she has given us. It has never been a secret for anyone to arrive at the national team was a dream, then we put a process and became a professional goal. "

On July 11 Osorio and the leaders of the Mexican Football Federation They held a meeting to talk about the future of the coach, but it was agreed to give a little more time to to define the situation of the helmsman of the national team

In Colombia, five destinations are possible: one would be in the selection of Colombia, in the case where Néstor Pékerman would not continue to direct , and the others would be the US national team, that of South Korea, that of Egypt and one more at the Conmebol.

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