The only survivor of an indigenous tribe is captured in the Amazon jungle (VIDEO)


Photo: Special

With the help of RT .- A Brazilian agency managed to capture unique images of an Indian who lives alone in a forest Amazonian for at least 22 years, reports The Guardian

Half-naked and swinging an ax vigorously while it spills a tree, the man, who finds himself in his fifties, does not have to. would have never been filmed so clearly and seems to be in excellent condition. "He's fine, hunting, guarding papaya plantations, corn," said Altair Algayer, a regional coordinator of the Funai Indigenous Agency, which operates in the Amazonian state of Rondônia (Brazil), which was with the team that filmed the video remotely. "He is in good health and in good physical shape by doing all these exercises."

Known as "the last of his tribe", the man hunts with wild bows and wild arrows, birds and monkeys, and catches prey in hidden holes filled with sharp wooden piles. He and his group were known to dig holes and their hammock hung on one of them in their house


Loggers, Farmers and land grabbers murdered and expelled the indigenous people of this region in the 1970s and 1980s, and it is believed that he is the only survivor of a group of six indigenous killed during an attack perpetrated by farmers in 1995. It was located in 1996 and has been monitored by Funai since

Funai has a policy of avoiding contact with isolated groups and has protected its area since the 1990s. Tanaru was legally established in 2015. On the site, axes and machetes are periodically left According to Algayer, the seeds traditionally planted by the natives, so that the man finds them, obviously do not want anything to do with the Socié in general

. decision, "said Algayer." It's his sign of resistance, and a bit of repudiation, hate, given the story he's experienced. "

Fiona Watson, director of Research and advocacy at Survival International – a non-profit group that works to protect Indigenous people – described the images as "extraordinary", since the 8,070 hectares of protected forest in which humans live are completely surrounded by ranches and farms.

"Funai has a duty to show that he is well and alive" he said. "The crucial thing is that Funai has managed to maintain its territory," he said.

Funai scholars believe that there are 113 isolated tribes living in the Brazilian Amazon, of which 27 groups have been confirmed.Another group of 15 isolated Indians live in Peru, according to Mr. Watson, and 39 others in Bolivia, Ecuador and Colombia, members hunt with blowguns, bows and arrows, and although their languages ​​belong to similar linguistic groups, or "trunks", they may also differ greatly from each other.

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