The Croatian striker rejected the silver medal won at the World Cup


Croatia experienced one of his happiest episodes in his short history when he saw his national team reach the final of Russia 2018 . Those who were led by Zlatko Dalic were received as heroes after their indelible participation in the World Cup.

One of the moments that overshadowed this sporting feat was the start of the World Cup. Nikola Kalinic the attacker of the team "Ajedrezado", was expelled from the concentration after pretending to have a back injury and refused to enter the match against Nigeria. The strategist noticed this simulation and ended up throwing it out of the team.

Despite being expelled from the team, the Croatian federation decided to send the finalist medal to the 30-year-old striker; However, he rejected it.

"Thanks for the medal, but I did not play in Russia," said the player at Sportske Novost the sports portal of the Balkan country

. the concentration, Nikola Kalinic joined the training of AC Milan, but its continuity in the club "Rossonero" is not confirmed, as it is expected by the Atlético de Madrid by Diego Pablo Simeone.

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