Snobber Artificial intelligence or imperative need?


Marcos Barraza .- E n October of last year the United Arab Emirates have appointed Omar Bin as Secretary of Artificial Intelligence.

For many, having an Artificial Intelligence Secretariat could indicate

In the United States, the government and private initiative are investing billions of dollars in the development of artificial intelligence.

Why this excessive interest of some countries to develop IA

With sound preparation and good information, making excellent decisions is almost automatic, nevertheless, we have problems.

Day after day an impressive amount of data is generated to those who want we can track them, simultaneously hundreds of thousands of sources around the world generate chaotic and chaotic data that matter in driving optimal of a p

The knowledge is constantly updated, which was true yesterday, today it may not be true and we must act in real time and with precision

Here come the systems controlled by Artificial Intelligence, ] which can access gigantic mountains of data from thousands of different sources

But this is not the case. is not just getting them, but indexing them and arranging them so that we have them on hand, nothing that has not been done before could say someone, but that is that the AI ​​does not stop l to, but the most valuable thing is that it learns from these new data and updated by algorithms, which can "think" and act in real time optimally

These systems follow the model of the human brain, with processed data generate information, with this information and through 'cognition' algorithms generate knowledge, just like us, with general knowledge. The problem with us is that we do not have access to all the sea of ​​data that is generated and the ones that reach us are so numerous that sometimes we reject them and only a few treat them, besides the pace of life we ​​carry does not give us the time to reflect this information to generate knowledge and much less new models, so in situations where we have to make decisions. This is the moment of our life and it can be totally obsolete or at best ineffective.

There are millions of people in the world who generate new knowledge in science, technology, synthesis in all fields. the fields of human development and only the major systems of Artificial Intelligence are taking full advantage of them.

If you browse the Internet, your searches will be done via via Google, you will already have rejected other search engines and if you have not done it, I recommend it, the best google searches a lot .

Similarly, if you want to buy something and be personally assisted and careful, log on to Amazon.

How did these two companies reach world leadership in their fields? The key is precisely in the artificial intelligence.

The guys who started making a search engine have today a multi-million dollar company, growing steadily and the owner of Amazon has just been declared to be The richest man in the world. Large companies use it, but not only companies, some governments also use it to optimize programs and make decisions.

In a globalized world and in permanent competition, those who do not develop and do not use Artificial Intelligence, will be at a great disadvantage with the countries that do it

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