According to the study, more than 60% of Mexicans depend on the smartphone


Mexico, (Notimex) .- The importance of a smartphone in human life has reached the point of no longer being able to pass, because in Mexico only more than 60% of people According to a study conducted by Motorola, 40.75% of Mexicans depend on the phone because they feel anxious when the battery is about to reach 10%.

-amorado, which is a higher category at the time of dependence; they are users who never turn off their phone, enter their smartphone to check traffic or weather, and get lost in this world of available options.

Although they believe that they do multitasking, they are actually distracted and change According to test results, the second largest group in Mexico, with 32.67%, is level 2 , called phone, who are the users who live with their

This group of people intelligently uses the smartphone to save time and energy that they could invest in things that really matter to them.

However, in the most alarming answers, 27% of Mexican users responded that when they dine with friends, they prefer to have the cell phone on the table and the screen up.

While 43% of study participants find it curious to know what would happen during a weekend if they did not have their smart phone.

For ten or so years, smartphones have changed the way of life and communication; In addition, they offer thousands of opportunities to accomplish the simplest tasks, because they help to communicate, organize, make bank transfers, capture unforgettable moments and, above all, bring those who are far away

In this study, more than 34,000 users participated in Mexico, including 76% men and 24% women; Through the #Phonelifebalance campaign, Motorola created an anonymous online test with ten simple questions that allowed us to better understand the relationship with a smartphone.

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