
As in the Lagunera region of Durango, sanitary jurisdiction VI maintains the white balance in dengue cases in the municipalities of Torreón, Matamoros and Viesca.
Caesar Alejandro del Bosque Garza, head of the department, mentioned that so far this year, about 12 blood samples have been sent to the National Public Health Laboratory for probable dengue, but that the results were negative .
"But we do not lower our guard, the public responds to the descacharrización and coming down to put it in the refrigeration equipment, in the pools, in the water tanks, it is delivered free and here we tell them how to apply it ". 19659003] He said that the municipalities that the jurisdiction is responsible, support with the human resources and the fuel to be able to carry out activities of larval control, nebulization, fumigation and surveillance of ovitraps in various sectors of the region.
To avoid reproduction of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, the health sector urges the population to continue preventive measures. It is recommended to remove stains and roofs, to use long sleeves, pants and a repellent; wash the containers in which the water is stored and cover them; return buckets and bottles to patios and roofs to prevent fluid buildup and keep doors and windows closed, using mosquito nets.
At La Laguna de Coahuila, 85 positive cases of dengue fever were reported last year. they were in the study for the presumed death of this disease.
⇒ The abbe is given free of charge in the facilities of the health authority VI.
⇒ Dependency provides a brief explanation on how to use it.
⇒ This year, 12 samples were sent to the national public health laboratory.
⇒ The results that were released were negative.
They invite the population to participate actively, in order to avoid the reproduction of the mosquito emitting dengue fever. (THE CENTURY OF TORREÓN)
Dengue Coahuiladengue
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