Trump attacks his Cohen by recording [Internacional] – 21/07/2018


United States .- Donald Trump describes Saturday as "totally unpublished" and "possibly illegal" to have been recorded without his consent by his ex-lawyer Michael Cohen while the two were discussing the opportunity to buy the silence of a former Playboy model with whom the US president would have had a relationship.

The recording, made two months before the November 2016 presidential election, was found by the FBI in the Cohen workshop, which at the time acted as the One of the Trump lawyers, The New York Times reported Friday.

In a tweet, Trump said "inconceivable that the government has entered the office of a lawyer (early morning), almost unprecedented."

Followed whipping against his exatogado: "It is even more inconceivable that a lawyer registers a client, totally unpublished and possibly illegal."

The discussion in the recording revolved around Karen McDougal, ex-model of The Playboy magazine, who claims to have had a "ten-month love affair" with Trump began in 2006, shortly after the birth of the last son of the current president.

According to the New York Times, Michael Cohen would have been consulted by businessman David Pecker on McDougal's testimony

The National Enquirer tabloid, Pecker's flagship, had indeed agreed to buy the exclusive McDougal confession for $ 150,000.

According to various media, Cohen and Trump mention the possibility of buying these rights themselves. Trump seems open to this possibility and asks his lawyer about the form of payment. The recording is interrupted before the end of the conversation.

But the payment has never been made. New Yorker magazine said, according to anonymous sources, that Pecker and National Enquirer chose not to publish Karen McDougal's testimony to protect Donald Trump, a friend of David Pecker, which interested parties deny.


Some dispute Trump's consideration. It is legal, in the state of New York, for an individual to record a discussion "as long as part of the conversation is in agreement with the recording," explains John B. Harris, who writes for the New York Legal Ethics Reporter. 19659002] However, "it is not yet known if, and when, a New York lawyer can register him morally without having noticed previously" his client, adds the expert.

He cites two cases in which there was little tolerance towards lawyers who legally surreptitiously recorded "to other people without justification."

Trump's current lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, had confirmed the existence of the recording on Friday, saying that he was exonerating the president, in his opinion it is "exculpatory" because that shows that he had no prior knowledge of a possible payment.

"The good news is that its favorite president has done nothing wrong," Trump said at the end of his tweet. He said that he "would receive a ball" from the president in a loyalty statement. But Trump's tweet and the brutal response of Cohen's lawyer, Lanny Davis, seem to indicate that the link between the two is severely damaged if it has not been permanently broken.

Precisely, Davis tweeted Saturday that Trump and Giuliani's strategy in the case was "flawed, as was the false statement # Trump on #Twitter made against" Cohen.

According to Giuliani, to the extent that there was no payment to the exmodel, it seems that in reality the registration does not present any legal problem for Donald Trump.

But he signed up as part of an FBI investigation to determine whether the eventual use of presidential campaign funds to pay for alleged Trump's love conquests could constitute a violation of financing legislation for political parties.

Michael Avenatti, a lawyer for pornographic actress Stormy Daniels, involved in a legal battle with the president, told MSNBC that the "could constitute evidence of campaign funding violations" if the Trump candidate knew that Michael Cohen and others would make payments on his behalf "to influence the election of 2016".

Avenatti pointed out that this was not the only record between the tycoon and his former legal adviser, and claims that they are all prevalent.

Currently the focus of an FBI investigation, Cohen had become famous in the United States admitting to having paid $ 130,000 to Stormy Daniels in November 2016, to buy silence about his relationship with Trump.

Regarded for a long time as Trump's right hand, Cohen recently suggested that he could give up his loyalty to the president to save himself from the ongoing investigation

"I want to be very clear My wife, my daughter, my son and my country are my main allegiances, "he said at the beginning of July in an interview with ABC News

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