The taking of hostages leaves a dead


Los Angeles- A subject shot dead his grandmother and his girlfriend yesterday and then crashed into a vehicle for a post during a police chase and ran into a supermarket crowded as officers were firing and destroying the windows of the main door. About three hours after taking hostages, the man returned.

A woman died in the facility, said Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti

Agents armed with riot gear and rifles were deployed. yesterday afternoon, on the outskirts of Trader Joe's supermarket, in the Silver Lake area, and used mirrors to look inside while the hostages periodically left the front door with hands in the # 39; air. At least one person has been injured, but will survive, according to medical forecasts.

The subject left with four hostages and apparently was already handcuffed when they all came out through an entrance door. The police immediately surrounded the man, searched him and took him to an ambulance that was in the area. The man seemed to have blood on his left arm

The investigators believe that the man, whose name was not released, shot his grandmother and his girlfriend to 13.30. in the south of Los Angeles, then fled into a 2015 Toyota Camry, said Sergeant Barry Montgomery, a spokesman for the Los Angeles Police.

Agents spotted the suspect's car near Hollywood and tried to slow it down, but the man refused to do so to begin a persecution, Lopez said. During the flight, the suspect "fired several shots" on the police, but no one was injured during the shooting, he said.

At least one police officer reportedly responded to the shootings during the chase, Montgomery says. 19659002] The suspect then crashed his car outside Trader Joe's supermarket and ran into the store. An Associated Press employee who lives in the area reported seeing a car hitting an electrical pole outside the company.

Dan Kohles, 91, entered the supermarket and saw a car accident a post where the police pursued him. Officers fired at the driver and fired at the windows of the doors. Kohles and others sought to cover themselves and lie on the floor while the suspect was running inside, he added.

Kohles said that he heard other people's sobs when the subject shouted at them and ran towards the back of the institution. However, Kohles said that he did not hear any more shots. After 30 minutes, the police came in and hastily took some customers, he added.

People were trying to flee the store and some even escaped through the windows or jumped 2.44 meters (8 feet) fleeing through the back door.

Christian Dunlop, real estate agent and actor who lives in the area, said that from one corner he observed four people who escaped through the main entrance of the place. An employee dragged an injured woman through the main entrance, he said.

The woman who was injured was rushed to hospital in a stable state, according to David Ortiz, a spokesman for the fire department. she was injured. Authorities reported that 18 ambulances and 100 firefighters arrived at the scene of the incident.

President Donald Trump said in a tweet: "I am very aware of a possible hostage taking in Los Angeles" and that the police The city has been working with the federal police authorities.

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