Equilibrista walks 35 meters in Montmartre, France


French tightrope walker Tatiana-Mosio Bongonga impressed hundreds of Parisians with a tightrope walk 35 meters above the ground in the Montmartre district of the northern French capital.

Bongonga Aged 34, he walked by a rope held by a crane at the foot of the famous steps of the hill to the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, accompanied by a chamber orchestra and without any safety equipment, this which made a lot of people uncomfortable

"It's very surprising and dangerous." It impressed me too much I realized that I was not sure, there was a lot of acrobatics, I had a great time, "said one of the viewers, Jennifer. Mandelbaum, Reuters

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Bongonga, who was preparing for the event for a year, has been practicing tightrope since the age of eight.


In 2013, he highlighted the feat of tightrope walker Nik Wallenda because he crossed the narrow gorge of the Pequeño Colorado River in northeastern Arizona, on a distance of 400 meters (437 yards)

Wallenda accomplished his feat on a steel cable two inches thick, 457 meters (1,500 feet) above the river in the Navajo Nation near the Grand Canyon. He did not bring any safety harnesses.

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It took him a little over 22 minutes, in which he paused on two occasions when the winds have moved the cables.
"Thank you, Lord, thank God for reassuring this cable," he said after about 13 minutes of having started aerial walking.

Wallenda, 34, is a seventh-generation tightrope walker and part of the famous circus family "Flying Wallendas". who lost limbs in their dangerous stunts.

His great-grandfather, Karl Wallenda, fell during a performance in Puerto Rico at the age of 73 and died. Several other relatives, including an uncle and a cousin, died in similar circumstances.

According to Reuters


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