Daniel Oduber expands and will serve 300 thousand more passengers


After the remodeling of the airport has more than four thousand square meters additional in the boarding rooms. With the kind permission of ICT / La República

The expansion that took place at Daniel Oduber Airport in Liberia will attract up to 300,000 more passengers each year.

Over four thousand more square meters in the boarding rooms, 417 square meters in the main lobby, six counters, six shops and a carousel in the baggage claim area are among the novelties.

This airport directly benefits the entire province of Guanacaste. As a dealer, we are committed to making consistent and proactive improvements that guarantee the passenger a unique experience both on arrival and on the way out, "said César Jaramillo, managing director of Coriport, a dealership. the terminal

. Coriport has invested more than $ 10.3 million.

Add to the implementation of the diplomatic hall, the remodeling of the logistics center and the solid waste area.

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