A smile Luis Miguel, in one of its facets some views


A group of fans of Luis Miguel had the surprise of his life, when the artist of the moment (thanks in large part to his series) stopped to greet them .

See also: Marcela Basteri, tragic heroine, in the opinion of Anna Favella

Luis Miguel on his recent tour of Europe. Photo: EFE

Fans of Luis Miguel captured " El Sol " in a very friendly and smiling facet as we have rarely seen, in a simple Si plane, far from any aura of mystery that has been manipulated for decades and that has given rise to suspicions about his private life.

In a video that travels through social networks, you can listen to a group of people waiting for someone without really knowing who it is, and when they finally discover that the celebrity aboard # 39; a luxury car is Luis Miguel the cries of excitement do not wait.

"We are Mexicans, Luis Miguel" "We are from El Paso" were euphoric greetings from fans who could not believe that a Luis Miguel smiling, coming down from his car to greet you by hand

In this article:

  • El Sol
  • Luis Miguel
  • Luis Miguel Series [19659011]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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