They do not ensure the "fall" of Mazda production


Fidel Guerra spoke with the directors, who said "there is no concern", despite the application of taxes will directly affect the shipowner

Cuca Domínguez

Salamanca .- With regard to the announcement of the increase of Fidel Guerra Ahued General Manager of Economic Development of the Municipality of Salamanca, stated that he spoke with Mazda managers who assured him that "there is no real concern", although the application of the tax will directly affect the owner of the ship.

Production will not diminish, in addition to being a temporary measure of a president making this decision but in the end (management), the plant would win because it does not. Not only open this market in the world "

Fidel Guerra Ahued, General Manager of Economic Development

I had a conversation with the World Director of Mazda and on this particular topic, was that there is no real concern (…), because if the sale is complicated by the increase in rates to the United States Fidel Guerra .

He added that "the production will not diminish, besides that it is a temporary measure of a president who makes this decision, but in the end (the management), the factory would gain because not only would it have opened this market in the world, (what it does) is a concern because the production will not be lowered, there will be no less, they will have to find a new market for welcome "He pointed out that the tariff issue is still under consideration, even if it was accepted and unfair, they would be asked not to apply.

Finally, he said that the commitment of the director of the weapon Dora Nipona worldwide, it is that they guarantee the little more than 9 thousand jobs that Mazda and its suppliers generate and they come from other countries.

Unemployment Activities

The auto assembler will perform general maintenance of his equipment which will stop your production for about 15 days. It has been reported that this is a normal process that is planned according to the demand for "deep maintenance". required by the machines.


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