Businessmen Highlight Trade Openness at Pacific Alliance Summit


The fifth business meeting was held as part of the 13th Presidential Summit of the Pacific Alliance, in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco

The event was opened by the Secretary of the Economy, Ildefonso Guajardo and by Valentín Díez Morodo, president of the Mexican section of the Business Council of the Pacific Alliance; both stressed the importance of trade openness to regulate the national and regional market

"The Pacific Alliance must undoubtedly rethink the strategy of integrating the practice and from growth to the future, I believe that what we can certainly appreciate on the horizon It is time again in Latin America, "said Ildefonso Guajardo, Secretary to the Economy

" Bring the people and economies of our region together at a time when protectionist approaches are trying to weaken free trade, "said Valentín Díez Morodo. President of the & # 39; Mexico Chapter & # 39; of the Pacific Alliance Business Council

In the opening plenary session: "Pacific Alliance Perspectives on the Business Environment", moderator, Juan Pablo Castañón, chairman of the Business Coordinating Council, lamented that, despite the benefits of free trade, in recent years "Despite the benefits of free trade and the impact on well-being and in many societies and regions in the world, support for trade liberalization has been reduced and is in the process of reflection .. The measures that limit the flow of goods, services and people have increased since 2010, according to the Global Trade Alert in a demand for Analysis of the Center for Economic Policy Research, which called for the G20.This trend, the countries that form the Pacific Alliance have maintained this vocation of unity and openness, facilitation and transparency. 39, approval, "added Juan Pablo Castañón, President of the Coordinating Council of Enterprises

. risks to reverse the process of opening and integrating two decades

"The biggest risk for Mexico today is not to modernize and conclude a New North American Free Trade Agreement Our greatest risk is that, if our national forces fail to do so, our national business people will become confused and we will push for a 20-year regression of the process. opening and integrating, said Ildefonso Guajardo, secretary of the economy, pursuing a multilateral trade approach.He warned that, if protectionist measures are applied, emerging economies will lose

"Those who have the most to lose by allowing the weakening of trade multilateralism, are the emerging nations. Multilateralism, whether in the context of the United Nations or global security, is developed to balance the forces of the world's powers. If we destroy it ourselves, we take a shot in the foot, "added Guajardo

María Lorena Gutiérrez, Colombian Minister of Commerce, pointed out that the most complex moment in history is that of

"With a clear tendency to protectionism mixed with a certain populism to find in the population that does not find benefits on globalization," said María Lorena Gutiérrez, Colombia's Minister of Commerce.

The Minister of Commerce of Peru, Roger Valencia, He spoke of the benefits that the Pacific Alliance has granted to some of its member countries.

"We have accomplished a great deal in a short time. From 2011 to today, who remembers that Peruvians needed a visa to come to Mexico and Mexicans to go to Peru? "There is no visa," said Peruvian Minister of Commerce Roger Valencia

. This business meeting aims to promote the 2030 vision of the region in its process of deep integration with the international environment, also showcase progress in the investment, trade, marketing and development. digital agenda, financial integration and logistics

. Korea to the Pacific Alliance

With the information of Alan Gilberto Hernandez


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