He hits tourist boat against a fishing boat in Galicia


July 24, 2018

Two serious injuries were reported.

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On Tuesday, a tourist boat carrying 50 people was struck by a mussel boat in the Ra de Arousa (Pontevedra), Galica, when you go to the island of A Toxa.

The ship caught fire, so the passengers and crew were evacuated for the rescue services.

Since the boat, several people have jumped into the sea, and are working on the recount and assessment of the state of the wounded, local media reported.

Jos Cascabelos, Mayor of O Grove, confirmed that five people had been injured by burns; however, two of them were reported to be serious, so they were transported to the hospital in A Corua.

Also, ensures that there are no missing persons, for its part the Government Subdelegation in Pontevedra rejects the deadly victims, informs Europa Press.

In the rescue mobilized helicopters and medical fishing, firefighters, sailors, nurses and health personnel, according to El Pas.

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